近日收到電郵通知, 提醒我一位好友的生日. 心想我也可以與大家分享一些實用的網站.
www.birthdayalarm.com 是個生日網站, 每到朋友的生日, 它都會傳送電郵提醒我. 好處是我不需要自己填寫生日日期, 我只需傳送一個電郵給我的朋友, 裏面附帶一個網頁地址, 他便可以自己填寫了, 非常方便!!! 最好的地方是我也可以登記父母親的生日, 結婚紀念日...... 以免忘記!

用了這個網站後, 很多老朋友都很感動, 因為他們發現我還能記起他們的生日! 一封生日咭每每較一封聖誕咭來得温馨親切!
如果大家也希望多一位朋友在你生日的時侯惦記着你, 請大家按下面的網頁地址登記吧(不用填年齡)! 我會在你生日時送上無限的祝福!!!

另外大家也可以到 Hallmark 的網站, 傳送免費心意eCard.
www.birthdayalarm.com is a useful birthday reminder website. Before the date of your friend's birthday, it will send an email reminder to you. It's very convenient as you don't need to update the record yourself, what you need to do is to send an invitation email to your friends. They can then update the record themselves! A birthday card is also a very warm and touching remembrance of the long lived friendship!

If you would also treasure me sending a warm blessings at your birthday, you can also register your record by clicking the link below (no need to input the 'year'!!!)
Besides, you can also send free eCards to your friend through www.hallmark.com