Whatsapp, WeChat and Line for Android 的備份方法
現代人愈來愈多用智能電話, 用Whatsapp, WeChat 或Line已經成為不可或缺的溝通方法. 可是在轉換電話時, 轉移這些Apps都有點兒不方便, 不是以往的對話內容不見了, 就是以往設立的群組消失了.  令人十分懊惱!

不過科技每天進步, 現在這三個apps都可以備份, 讓用家可以保留過往的記錄.  從善如流!

Whatsapp 的備份方法:

1. Click 'Settings', then select 'Chat settings'

2. Select 'Backup conversation'.  The backup will be stored in Whatsapp folder inside the mobile phone.

3.  Copy the 'whatsapp' folder in old phone to the new phone.  Once you have registered your phone number to your new phone, whatspp will retrieve the chat history.

1. Click 'Settings', then select 'General'

2. Select 'Chat History Backup'

3. Select 'Backup' to upload the chat history to the WeChat server.  They will store the information for 7 days.  Once you have installed WeChat in new phone, you can restore the chat history over the internet.

LINE 的備份方法:

1. Line is different from both Whatsapp and Wechat.  It can only backup chat history for individual chat.
Make sure you have already REGISTERED your email to LINE, if not even you have backup chat, it cannot be restored. (Go to Settings>Accounts>Email account registration)

1. Click to the chat you wish to backup.

2. Then click the right hand down arrow to show the settings.

3. Select 'Chat settings' and click 'Backup Chat History'

4. Then you can select to backup 'text' only or 'Full' back up including the stickers in the chat history.  The backup will be zipped and stored in Line/backup folder in the phone.
5. Copy the backup folder from old phone to the new phone.  You can then retrieve the chat history back.

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