觸動心靈的動物繪畫:Lesley Harrison 動物作品集

Afternoon Nap - Pastel Painting by Lesley Harrison

Lesley Harrison 是美國知名的女畫家,以粉彩畫棒作為主要的創作工具,並以此榮獲了若干專業獎項和榮譽。 Lesley已經從事專業繪畫32年了,她把對動物的熱愛結合在繪畫的職業生涯中,創作了一系列非凡的動物繪畫作品。和動物們的親密接觸讓Lesley的繪畫總能捕捉到動物的靈氣,所以她作品中動物的神態表情都能傳達出一種個性、優雅和力量。她說:“我堅信,只要用‘心’繪畫,就能觸碰別人的內心,感動別人。”


Lesley Harrison - Working on a new painting
Lesley Harrison's Sacramento, California girlhood was shaped by animals and art. "I was born loving animals, she says. "It seems to be in my blood." She remembers an ongoing menagerie from cats to chickens. She started drawing animals in 2nd grade. "I was taken to the principal's office more than once, because I was drawing horses instead of paying attention to the teacher," she laughs.

"In 1975, I picked up a stick of pastel and it was instant love. I had tried other mediums, but nothing ever clicked." By 1983 she was selling enough paintings to quit her day job. Talking about getting her work into galleries, Lesley relates, "Whenever I'd approach a gallery about showing my work, the first thing they'd ask was what was my medium? I'd say pastels and they would say they weren't interested. So I finally told a gallery that I worked in oil and pastel (which was true!). They told me to bring the oils, not the pastels. I took both and left them for review. They loved the pastels!

Lesley works on location and also supplements those sessions with reference photographs. This approach allows her to develop paintings that are fresh yet rendered with authority. Although pastels are notoriously difficult to master, Lesley has received a number of professional honors & awards for her technical excellence. Recently, for the 3rd consecutive year, the Pastel Society of the West Coast recognized her for her contribution to pastel as an artistic medium. She is also a member of the exclusive Pastel Society of America.

触动心灵的动物绘画:Lesley Harrison 手绘动物作品集 - Lesley Harrison 手绘插画:Icy Whiskers壁纸图片13

触动心灵的动物绘画:Lesley Harrison 手绘动物作品集 - Lesley Harrison 手绘插画:Taking A Break壁纸图片36

触动心灵的动物绘画:Lesley Harrison 手绘动物作品集 - Lesley Harrison 手绘插画:New Feathers壁纸图片39


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