

(Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich) 剛於本年四月二十七日逝世, 享年八十歲。  他是一位傑出的俄羅斯大提琴大師及指揮家。  他的演譯,一向以熱情著稱。

這是一套我很喜歡的巴赫大提琴無伴奏組曲, 這套組曲由六首不同調性的組曲合成, 每首組曲則由六段舞曲合成。這套組曲是在法國一所教堂內錄影, 反映巴赫時代音樂多於教堂內演奏。  它的旋律非常優美, 六組曲調, 六種意境, 各自獨立又環澴相扣著成一整體, 十分動人。   加上羅斯特洛波維契現身說法組曲的創作背景, 令欣賞時更加了解, 是一套很值得欣賞及珍藏的版本。

這套錄影本在威廉初學大提琴時已購了LD版本。 可惜, 羅斯特洛波維契是以俄語介紹他如何處理每一首組曲, LD只有日文字幕, 根本不能了解。  一次威廉的大提琴老師來到訪我們家中, 心想他是盧森堡人, 懂得多國語言, 可能幫上一把。   可惜連他也聽不懂俄語, 我們只好放棄了!  估不到這麼多年後, 發現這個大陸版DVD, 有中英文字幕, 我們終於可了解更多這位大師的演譯和這首組曲的獨特之處。 也對這位大師的一點懷念。


而馬友友的版本也很有趣, 有時间再與大家分享! 

發現U-Tube上有一段演奏Suite No.1 的錄影版本, 大家可欣賞欣賞...

Portrait by Tahir Salahov. From Rostropovich Home Museum in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Mstislav Rostropovich was a renowned cellist and conductor of the 20th century.  He was 80 when he died recently on 27 April 2007 in Moscow.

In this video, Mstislav Rostropovich prefaced each suite by a commentary.  His graceful performance of the Bach Suites for Unaccompanied Cello illuminated the works' inner spirituality.  This video was recorded at the Basilique Sainte Madeleine, Vezelay, Yonne, France in March 1991.  This is one of my favourite recordings.

I bought this video in LD format many years ago when William first started to play the cello.  However, in the LD, the commentary was spoken in Russian and come with Japanese subtitle only.  We could not understand how he interpreted the music.  Not until we bought this DVD version recently, we finally understood his interpretation and it was an enjoyable journey to explore the suites with Rostropovich.

I've also got another version which was played by Yo-Yo Ma and will share the experience with you in future.


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