近日逛書店發現 《藝術的故事》推出了2006年平裝版, 並用聖經紙版, 書皮封面非常的簡單, 但裡面的畫作印刷質感卻出奇的好而且輕了許多。於是雖然家中已有16版, 也將這輕巧的2006年平裝版買下來。
我認識這本書, 是在我就讀於愛丁堡的時候 . 有一天, 教授安排我來介紹法國印象派畫作. 作為一個理科生, 又沒有藝術的基礎知識, 這使我感到很擔心. 幸好班中的西班牙同學是美術系畢業, 他推薦這本書給我. 閱讀後我發現這本書很有趣, 文字是如此生動, 使我非常欣賞。
(班中的西班牙同學, 真懷念我們常常拿着炭條寫生的日子...)
The Story of Art - E. H. Gombrich
"There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists."
E. H. Gombrich from 'The Story of Art'
I knew this book when I was studying in Edinburgh. In year one of my study, I was assigned to prepare a presentation to introduce French Impressionism and it worried me a lot. Being a science student, I was absolutely blank on any art knowledge. Fortunately, a Spanish classmate, Joaquin, who had studied Fine Art in the college, recommended this book to me. As the book has direct and narrative style of writing, I've found it is very enjoyable of reading it and let me have a much clearer picture on the development of artworks.
The Story of Art is one of the most famous and popular books on art ever published. It started from the earliest cave paintings to the experimental art of today. Professor Gombrich combined his knowledge and wisdom with a unique gift for communicating directly his own deep love of the works of art he described.
(source: http://www.amazon.com/Story-Art-Pocket-E-H-Gombrich/dp/0714847038; www.wikipedia.org)