
最近因為看了Aida歌劇, 又再次掀起看歌劇的興趣. 每晚吃飯的時侯, 都選擇一套歌劇播放. 所以別人在追無線連續劇, 而我們就晚晚追歌劇.
這是近日新購買的茶花女DVD, 皆因威廉看中茶花女"年青貌美", 女高音中實屬難得!!!

看後也感到這是一個很好的製作. 這是2005年在Salzburg Festival 中的演出, 除了兩位主角非常出色外, 我也很喜歡它的舞台設計和表達方法. 尤其在第二幕開始, 傳統表達方法只有男主角出場, 因他有數首獨唱曲目, 述說Violetta如何洗盡鉛華, 跟他在鄉村過着快樂的生活. 然而這套DVD卻突破了傳統的表達方式, Alfredo在唱這段開場的曲目時, 正與Violetta在追逐及捉迷藏, 充份地感到他們快樂的生活.
茶花女(La traviata)是由Giuseppe Verdi (朱塞佩·威爾第)作曲, 改編自小仲馬於1848年出版的小說《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias,La dame aux Camélias)的四幕歌劇。
茶花女故事大綱 :
Good study of La Traviata:
In u-tube, there is a video clip on 'Sempre libera' which is the last aria in act 1. After Violetta turns Alfredo down, she is deeply touched by his love. Then when she is alone, she reflects. She is tired of her hectic life, and although she knows that dreams of love are nonsense, she recalls her wishes to find such love. She tries to throw off these fond wishes (Sempre libera "always free"), but at the end of Act One Alfredo's voice floats back to her and she accepts his love at last.
Sempre libera
Sempre libera degg'io Free as air, I love to flit and flutter on
Folleggiar di gioia in gioia, from pleasure to pleasure.
Vo' che scorra il viver mio Till my life is one long mad and merry
Pei sentieri del piacer, circle of delight,
Nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia, And as each day succeeds to the other,
Sempre lieta ne' ritrovi fresh excitement is my lode star/
A diletti sempre nuovi The enjoyment of the moment must
Dee volare il mio pensier. put care and sorrow to flight.
Folleggiar di gioia in gioia, from pleasure to pleasure.
Vo' che scorra il viver mio Till my life is one long mad and merry
Pei sentieri del piacer, circle of delight,
Nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia, And as each day succeeds to the other,
Sempre lieta ne' ritrovi fresh excitement is my lode star/
A diletti sempre nuovi The enjoyment of the moment must
Dee volare il mio pensier. put care and sorrow to flight.