今年聲樂老師的師生音樂會主題是"Love changes everything". 這首樂曲也是Andrew Lloyd Webber的音樂劇"Aspect of Love"的主題樂曲。
雖然這套音樂劇不是我的至愛,但劇中一首華爾玆樂曲"The first man you remember" 卻是其中一首我十分喜愛的樂曲. 每逢聽到這首樂曲都會如歌詞般"to make my young heart miss a beat"... ...也讓我記起預科時聖誕舞會的點點回憶... ...
The first man you remeber
I want to be
The first man you remember,
I want to be
The last man you forget.
I want to be
The one you always turn to,
I want to be
The one you won't regret.
May I be first
To say you look delightful?
May I be first
To dance you round the floor?
The very first
To see your face by moonlight?
The very first
To walk you to your door?
JENNY: (playing to George)
Well, young man, I'd be delighted!
There is nothing I would rather do!
What could be a sweeter memory
Than sharing my first dance with you?
I want to be
The first man you remember...
The very first
To sweep me off my feet.
I want to be
The one you always turn to...
The first to make
My young heart miss a beat.
(He gently takes her in a dance hold and they tentatively try a few steps around the terrace)
Seems the stars are far below us...
The moon has never felt so close before...
(looking up at George)
Our first dance will be forever...
And may it lead to many more!
I want to be
The first man you remember...
The very first
To sweep me off my feet.
I want to be
The one you always turn to
The first to make
My young heart miss a beat.